Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Tough Stuff

So, I've been doing a lot of thinking lately. I know, philosophical. But, as we're in year 12, we have an awful lot of pressure put on us - exams, yr 13 (eek!), University, LIFE! It's tough stuff. It's tough stuff but we're tougher! I wanna shout out to my amazingly talented Classics Buddy Clover =D. She's an extremely talented singer and she's gonna go far. I wanna give her a spesh mention because she really made me think about what I want to do in life. While Clover knows exactly what she wants to do (YAY FOR HER!), I have too many ideas. But, Clover's sense of direction really makes me realise how important it all is, and I'm definately devoting more time to these decisions. Also, Clover had such talent that she really makes me want to pursue singing and acting. =D

In Geo at the moment, we're studying world issues such as child poverty. One of the huge things that we take for granted - living in a very developed country - is water. I happen to know many people who take approx 20 minute showers. An average shower uses 2 gallons of water per minute which means that if you have a 20 minute shower you use: 151.42 litres of water. If you take an extra long shower, try shortening it. Sure hot water is a lovely thing, but it is a privilage. Get yourself a shower timer and save water!

Sorry if that last bit was a bit lectury, but I feel very strongly bout environmental stuff, and to hear about people wasting water when others have none, I get sad.

Another thing I wanted to talk about today is Discovery For Teens. I'm about to do a persuasive speech on why all teens should go on Discovery for English, so here's a bit. Discovery is an awesome week long program for teens. It's an amazing program, and when I went last year I got so much out of it, I'm planning on going back this year, I helped out with Bridging The Gap - Discovery for 8 - 12yr olds -, and when I'm older I'm going to staff on Discovery. Check out the website - you definately should not pass on a chance to go on Discovery!

Discovery for me was all about living life to the full and how to get the most out of your life. I'm now all about putting 100% into everything, being myself, being motivated, and treating mistakes and challenges the right way.

This is kind of a long one lol. I wanna shout out to everyone in my life. I love my friends and family and I don't know what I'd do without them.

I don't even know who actually reads this, but if there are people, whoever you are, thanks for reading my blog and I hope you like it. Have a nice day!

x's and o's
lula laili lo


  1. Heya,
    It's Laura here. I guess maybe you don't want family and stuff reading this, but that's what you get for putting the link on FB! I just wanted to say that after reading just a few posts on your blog I'm really impressed with how you deal with life and how easily you make friends, you seem to have so much great stuff going on in your life. I'm always worrying about you and Finn because when I was your age I really wasn't a very happy chappie at all, and it's so great to see that you're having a good time for the most part, even if you have your bad days - but that's to be expected. Keep being the awesome positive lady you are, and I'm really looking forward to catching up when I get home! I love you heaps and heaps. xoxoxo Laura
    PS: just realised that it's your birthday already over here, though it hasn't quite ficked over for me yet! have a great day :)

  2. Hi! Nah that's all good anyone who reads it is a welcome and appreciated fan!Aw thanks Laura that's so great. I love that you can tell that from my blog, that's the kinda stuff I want people to notice I guess..Yep I'm a happy camper, most of the time! Yay, I can't wait till you're home!! We can have a good long catch up! Thanks, I had a great day! Keep reading - there's always more to come!
    xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo Lula
